Sunday, January 17, 2016

Creative Entertainment

OK, so I can't really unpack my paper and art supplies into the drywall dustbowl that is now my house (let alone the fact that there is nowhere currently to store these things).  Now what does a normally creative person do for entertainment? 

Besides daydreaming about what various rooms could look like upon completion (whenever that may occur), or conjuring up storage solutions for a near closet-less house, we have taken to attending the almost weekly auctions at a nearby auction house. 

Our first week attending one of these auctions scored a small primitive bench and an antique tin full of goodies.

 (Please pardon the poor quality photo.  Amongst other things, my camera bit the dust before we moved and I am using husband's old HP, which is about to bite the big one...or get thrown into the creek, whichever comes first.) 

We spent a whopping $16, not counting the chili dog, two beverages and small container of Pringles, that was a whole $5 more.    No charge for the people watching. 

 It's cheap thrills (comparatively speaking).  Depending upon what you might purchase, it's way cheaper than going to the movies! 

The little bench is now holding a large stack of bath towels next to the tub (which, yes, also needs to be replaced--a whole other story that!).  And the tin, plus bath goodies?  Well for now they are in stand-by mode.  But I believe the bath goodies will make their re-appearance in the bathroom in an old cabinet I have set aside to hang up in there.  And the tin will probably show up again in the kitchen. 

Already looking forward to next week's auction! 

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