Just when you think you have a "style" worked out... layers of papers peeking out under photo, lots of white or open space... Nope! Wham! The bright idea of using water colors to create your background page comes over you. You know, in a fit of I've only packed "X" number of papers and nothing works (in your mind) and (not that you don't have OTHER photos packed up ready to scrap---nooooooo these photos keep popping up and you simply must scrap THESE photos). At least that's how my mind seems to work...
So, I went with it and just dropped all kinds of color over the paper...attempting to leave some areas with less, or at least a more watered down wash of color. And I am happy with it. I just cannot seem to wrap my arms around how this head of mine just stubbornly leads me down the path it chooses.
And, in my defense, I do have a limited quantity of papers packed to choose from, plus I wanted a kind of free-form look to the page to mimic the feel of the graffiti painted cars. I did bring my cheapie water colors and a some watercolor paper and there you have it. It was fun just to kind of merrily splotch down color after color. Having done this, I may just fling some more paint about on more papers, thereby creating some background I could pull from. B-u-t, first I will try and concentrate on using the papers in hand. Try being the operative word.... try not to let my own head get in my way...
Layering papers are from the Crate Paper DIY pad I brought along, as well as various scraps. I punched hearts in two different sizes from scraps to mimic the water colors on the paper and added the Hello speech bubble, the couple of colored triangle wood veneer pieces (Crate Paper, Maggie Holmes), the Check It Out was from a Heidi Swapp ephemera pack and the yellow square with the hearts on it was fussy cut from a partial sheet of paper. The Bug Farm title is from a Basic Grey sticker sheet (have no clue as to the collection--just know that they are Basic Grey--and old).
The Bug Farm is a little roadside attraction I read about in a handbook of Route 66 "stuff" to see. Some guy planted five VW bugs nose down in the dirt outside an old abandoned Texaco station as a spoof on the widely publicized Cadillac Ranch (where someone with money to burn paid a group of artists to do the install of ten old Cadillacs buried nose down....etc.). This was one of the (few) things we really had a good time seeing on our trip moving out to California (or as we are calling it the Grapes of Wrath tour, circa 2015). There was so much more I wanted to try and see and we just could not get to everything what with the various vehicle issues. Who knows, maybe another time or another trip.
Kind of like the page, I was just going with it, seeing as "the plan" was not wanting to be followed..
It's so, so beautiful... I'd forget any thoughts of changing direction if I were you: this is your thing, I'd say! xxx