Thursday, July 17, 2014

One thing that has occurred to me while on my "use up the scraps" mission, has been the overall change in my own scrapping style.  I do love my patterned paper and I love mixing up patterns and piling it on.  But, like styles change in everything else, I guess my own personal style has evolved such that I am using less patterned paper or maybe just smaller pieces of patterned paper.  I still love my patterns and love putting a mix of patterned paper together.  I just no longer feel the need to have three whole pieces of a pattern I love.  The other thing that I've noticed is that I am using a lot more white cardstock as a base for my pages.  That rarely happened in the past.  I almost always reached for a colored piece of cardstock as the base. 

And as styles change over time, I'm sure this will evolve to the next "thing" in the future.  What's neat about this, is that since I do not scrap chronologically, there is a nice mix of various styles throughout my albums.

The Dancing with Mom page is Jacob and his mom at a wedding she stood up in years ago.  And there is that white cardstock base page, but plenty of patterns in the layers under the photo and in the cluster at the right side of the page. 

Most of these came from the scrap bin and from a stack of papers I "found" when I did my last paper purge.  I wanted a softer edge on the layers, so I tore the layering pieces using my ruler to keep the edges somewhat even.  Added a doily, some black and white washi tapes, a few red "raindots" (remember raindots?--I didn't have any more red enamel dots, so the raindots worked!).  Pulled out the old Cricut for the title and highlighted them using my glitter gel pen, glued on a few wood veneer hearts and doodled around the edge of the page. 

I'm not totally in love with the letters in the title, but this worked better than anything else in my stash.  The red Thickers I had were too big and bulky or too glittery.  So there you have it!  Another page done with older supplies, but more in keeping with my "today's" style. 

Off to get ready for work.  Have a great sunny, scrappy day! 


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