Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What's Wrong With This Page?

It's another round of critiquing my layout.  I did this page quite some time ago and never posted it.  Something was just not quite right with it.  I looked it over really well and then I knew what it was. This time it is a very small thing, but it is just screaming at me as I look at the page on the screen. 

I love the colors, even the goldenrod colored background paper (which took me f.or.e.v.e.r. to pick out).  I had all the burgundy, pink-y, magenta pieces selected, but the page sat untouched for month's because I just could not settle on a background piece.  Once the goldenrod piece was selected, by way of a happy accident of turning over a pink-y patterned paper, the layout itself went together rather quickly. 

Do you see it yet? Can you see what is just bugging me so?  What seems a tad askew, out of place? 

It's that doily on the right side of the layout! 

It is jutting out there just too, too far.  It seems slightly disconnected.  Like it was added as an afterthought.  It really needs to be tucked in further to the pieces under the photo, I think, to be made a part of the whole, rather than hanging out there on it's own. 

Does it really ruin the whole page?  No, not really.  But in this case, I have not gifted this page away.  I do still have it in my possession.  And it is an easy fix.  Were I not in the middle of packing for a cross-country move, I would pull the page out immediately and undo the doily, cut it down a bit and tuck it back in further under the photo layers.  But... I am in the middle of packing so this will have to wait a bit. 

OK, page details...  I just love the far way look in our Bella's eyes, so that's where the title comes from.  Most of the papers are Carta Bella, Beautiful Moments, I think the collection was.  Even the little banners and label stickers are from this collection.  The die cut paper on the left side of the page is old, old, old Making Memories.  Alphas used in the title are a mix of Bo-Bunny (old, old, old) and the pink glitter alphas are Thickers. The little stick pins are from Hobby Lobby (their own store brand) and the pink pearls are from Hero Arts.  I did add some torn pieces of washi tape to define the top and bottom of the page, as well as doing some outlining. 

And now back to packing, ugh.


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