Sunday, January 20, 2013

a bit about 2012... and 2013

While I haven't had much time since the beginning of November to scrapbook, I have had time to reflect.  And I am stubbornly trying to achieve a blog post while it is still January, so I am going to combine the thoughts. 

The year 2011 was a year of change.  Massive change.  But the year of 2012 proved to be even more difficult in battling my way through the changes that had occured.  I was happiest when I finally got back my scrapping and paper mojo.   So I thought I would post some of my favorite layouts from 2012 as a recap. 

I just loved these photos of this very happy little guy and how the simplicity of this layout let his happy little face just shine.  I especially love all the cut out stars, all 27 of 'em. 

While not a happy face on our boy, I still love this layout for the story it tells and all the details of the various layers and the title made with two different alphas. 

I'd always loved this photo of Jacob, but had never found the right combo of papers, didn't have any others photos for a second page (I am working on letting go of the whole "must have a two page layout" thing).  And this was a first attempt at a heavily paper layered, paint splattered single photo layout---which I thought turned out pretty well! 


This again, was a single photo I had of Miss Isabella--so I applied the same basic design as above.  Loved thebright happy colors and the little punched hearts mingled in with the paint splatters. 

Again this was a single photo I had for years...and even though it was a Halloween costume, it didn't go with Halloween-ie papers... so why fight it?  I really like the super hero kind of look to the page and I am getting more comfortable with a single page layout! 

I have other favorites, but these are my tip top page favorites from this past year. 

Which brings me to 2013, which I think is going to be the year of acceptance.  I finally have to confront acceptance.  Head on.  I don't mean turning a blind eye or giving up things like scrapping because of time.  I mean accepting what I have to work with, dealing with it and moving on. 

Number one is accepting my time limitations and dealing with it directly.  It hurts tremendously not to be able to scrapbook and I have to fix this. 

In the past, I would hit the grocery store on my way home from work, do dishes while cooking up supper, do more dishes, feed dogs and take them out and patiently (or impatiently) wait for my days off to spend scrapping.  Now, with two jobs and the time broken up in weird little snippets instead of bigger blocks of time, I have to let go of some things.  Including my guilt if I choose not to make a meal or do the dishes (or my resentment if I choose to make the meal and do the cleaning up right away).  I have been married to this man for over 20 years and I have tried everything from reasonable discussion, out and out fights, leading by example, pleas for help, praise for tiny little things.... nothing works.  He considers this a battle of wills I guess and he is always looking for a competition to win.  I have to let go of trying to "train" him.  He is what he is.  And he is not going to cook even the simplest of meals or even reheat a meal.  That's it.  So, if I get home too tired and sore to cook, or wanting to go scrapbook instead of cooking, then I'm not going to cook.  No guilt, no resentment.  Neither of us is going to starve if we have tea and toast for supper!

There are other things to "accept" and deal with and I may be scrapping about these in the future! 

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